“I thought Paula’s presentation at Ignite was amazing. I was immediately engaged and wanted to hear more about the story she was telling. She is a dynamic speaker that I would recommend highly.”
Nancy Chisholm, Business Development Consultant and Coach
Our audience had tears and smiles during Paula's story. It was so inspiring. She was a perfect fit for our survivor celebration.
-Karen Hatfield, Moncrief Cancer Center
When Paula Speaks People
Laugh, Listen, and Learn
Creating a Unique Life of Consistent
Vitality, Joy, and Meaning for Women
Maximize Team Potential: Building your dream team using the Positive Intelligence Four Pillars of Team Performance and Wellbeing module.
Total Wellness: From Selfish to Self-First: Humorous, interactive presentation details three surprisingly easy yet life-changing ways to create sustainable lifestyle changes and increase commitment to self-care and sustainable lifelong wellness.
Burned Out to Brilliant: Learn and practice using simple, easy to use mental fitness tools and concepts that reduce stress and anxiety anytime, anywhere.
If I Can Do Cancer, I Can Do Anything: Paula shares how the cancer experience builds clarity and confidence and how to use it to create happiness and results beyond your wildest dreams.
Live What Matters Now. A poignant and authentic demonstration of how bringing more of matters most into day-to-day life improves emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Available For:
Podcast / Media Guest
Organization Meetings
Breakout Sessions
Fundraising Events